Hear the Difference with Widex.

Widex is one of the world’s largest manufacturers of hearing aids. As a Widex Premier Partner, Meridian Hearing Centers is proud to offer the latest technology in hearing aids. With Widex as our primary supplier for hearing aids, we can provide you with a hearing aid that is comfortable, fits your preferences, and meets your budget.

Widex developed their hearing aids with the highest level of quality and digital technology.  Their innovative approach and extensive use of technology has given them an unmatchable reputation. Widex is also known for developing the world’s first digital in-the-ear hearing aid.

Widex Hearing Aids
Among adults aged 70 and older with hearing loss who could benefit from hearing aids, fewer than one in three (30 percent) has ever used them.*

Contact us to discover how Widex can work for you!

Delivering True-to-Nature Sound.

Widex offers a variety of hearing aid colors, shapes and sizes. Widex offers two kinds of hearing aids: In-the-Ear and Behind-the-Ear. Because of their use of advanced technology, Widex is one of the largest and most reputable hearing aid manufacturers. At Meridian Hearing, we are proud to offer our patients Widex hearing aids as a solution to their hearing health care needs. 


Widex Hearing Aids

Widex In-the-Ear Hearing Aids

Photo Credit: Widex

Widex Behind-the-Ear Hearing Aids

Photo Credit: Widex

Contact us to schedule your FREE hearing test.